According to research, moving is the most stressful time in a parent’s life. 87%  find moving stressful, with 1-in-5 revealing the single biggest worry with moving was entertaining or looking after their kids. We have put together some top tips to help make the move as stress-free as possible!

  1. Keep your children involved

You can begin by letting your children know you will be moving a month or two in advance, this will give them time to get used to the idea. By showing them the local area and pointing out new surroundings such as parks, schools and shops, they will be able to prepare themselves before being entirely immersed in the new environment. Highlighting the benefits such as a bigger bedroom or garden will also help them with feeling involved.


  1. Give your children some control

Allowing your children to help you choose things like furniture, colours and decorations will enable them to gain back some of the control of moving house. This will also get them excited about the move, helping reduce any feelings of worry or stress.


  1. Stick to your routine

 Having a routine is extremely important for children, so do the things you did before the move, such as family mealtimes and family trips to the park. If you are moving not too far from the old neighbourhood, you could visit the same places and the same family and friends to continue this routine.


  1. Try not to move during term time

Moving house during the summer will help your child with the transition of entering a new school and class. This will help them make brand new friendships at the same time as other children in the class.


  1. Make moving fun

Make moving house fun by playing different games with the moving boxes or perhaps even something as simple as hide and seek amongst all the boxes. As long as there is a safe environment for them to play in, let your children use their imagination


  1. Turn it into a positive

By emphasising and reinforcing positive feelings surrounding the move, your children will slowly get used to your way of thinking. Children are very good at picking up signs of your emotions – make sure you are as enthusiastic and cheerful as possible.


  1. Let your children say goodbye properly

Moving house can be especially difficult if your children have made friends with other kids in the area. Make sure you give your children the chance to say goodbye properly. You could suggest a leaving party and invite all their friends, and even spend some time making a scrapbook of pictures which they can treasure and flick through in their new home.


It’s your home, let us help you create it. Waterstone Homes are here to help you make your vision for your new bespoke home a reality

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